Geek Note:
An intervention is in order.
Please stop using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
I realize that change is difficult, but there are alternatives to your destructive lifestyle. For those of you using any version of MS-Windows, please consider downloading a modern web-browser like Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome (or Chromium). It's free, and there's really no legitimate excuse for using MSIE.

Although I do make some minor attempts to ensure this page will display properly under IE, I also can't help but thinking that anyone using a 1999 web-browser deserves to be served a 1999 web-experience and has no valid platform to complain upon.

And if you're still using Mosaic, then piss off. You might be all kinds of awesome for even remembering Mosaic, but you don't belong on today's internet. Fire up your Magellan search engine and go discover some straits or something.

Saturday, January 5, 20134:47 PM

People are strange

Some paisley-clad, patchouli/sweat/wet-penny-scented, birkenstock-shod wanna-be neo-retro-hippie-chick shot me a contemptuous look of disapproval today. She looked as though she was trying her hardest to radiate an army of poisoned red-hot daggers of flaming scorn from the innermost depths of her glazed eyeballs. Presumably because she saw me light a cigarette outside in front of Whole Foods market.

I told her "It's OK, it's Organic Tobacco. Grown and sold by Native Americans. More of us should support their endeavors, especially after having stolen their land. It's a small gesture, but it's important".

She did not appear to be amused. For a moment, I almost thought she was going to have an apoplectic seizure, or her entire being would deflagrate explosively. Sadly, neither of those things happened and I was denied the entertainment value of witnessing such an event. But my cigarette still smelled better than she.

And before anyone asks "What the hell were YOU doing at Whole Foods???", the answer should be obvious.

I was picking up hippie-chicks.

I'm just not very good at it.

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