Geek Note:
An intervention is in order.
Please stop using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
I realize that change is difficult, but there are alternatives to your destructive lifestyle. For those of you using any version of MS-Windows, please consider downloading a modern web-browser like Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome (or Chromium). It's free, and there's really no legitimate excuse for using MSIE.

Although I do make some minor attempts to ensure this page will display properly under IE, I also can't help but thinking that anyone using a 1999 web-browser deserves to be served a 1999 web-experience and has no valid platform to complain upon.

And if you're still using Mosaic, then piss off. You might be all kinds of awesome for even remembering Mosaic, but you don't belong on today's internet. Fire up your Magellan search engine and go discover some straits or something.

Saturday, May 5, 20129:24 PM

More local wildlife

Gator at work the other night. Crawled right up from a nearby pond, and laid himself down on the pavement by the doors. Guys trying to chase him away were pretty hilarious to watch.

Two guys. Each standing ~10 meters from the gator. Scratching their heads, not wanting to get closer.

One guy grabs some orange traffic-cones. The smallish rubbery kind, used to signal minor hazards or to reserve parking stalls. I guess the idea was "If I throw things at it, it'll leave".

Like he's playing a game of corn-hole or horseshoe, he practices his underhand toss 5 or 6 times to test his aim. Then he lets go, and immediately leaps backward and runs in the opposite direction.

Gator doesn't seem to notice. He's chill. Snorts a bit, like "That's not nice. Stop it."

Same guy comes back, grabs another orange-cone. Does the same thing, including the practice-tosses, and the backward jump-and-run.

Same result. Gator says "Asked you to stop. Starting to piss me off."

Guy comes back again to throw a third cone. Swing, swing, swing, practice, aim, throw, jump, run.

Gator finally turns his head, but not toward the cone-thrower. Toward the other guy. Gator gets up and starts walking toward the guy who has been mostly just watching. Both guys run like hell, while gator heads back to the pond.

Gators are funny, but people are funnier.

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