Geek Note:
An intervention is in order.
Please stop using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
I realize that change is difficult, but there are alternatives to your destructive lifestyle. For those of you using any version of MS-Windows, please consider downloading a modern web-browser like Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome (or Chromium). It's free, and there's really no legitimate excuse for using MSIE.

Although I do make some minor attempts to ensure this page will display properly under IE, I also can't help but thinking that anyone using a 1999 web-browser deserves to be served a 1999 web-experience and has no valid platform to complain upon.

And if you're still using Mosaic, then piss off. You might be all kinds of awesome for even remembering Mosaic, but you don't belong on today's internet. Fire up your Magellan search engine and go discover some straits or something.

Tuesday, June 12, 20121:11 PM

That was unexpected

People can tell you so much about themselves when they think they're talking about you.

Now, I already know that I'm socially retarded. Just plumb enstupidated about people in general. Even when conversing in person, I will usually miss the subtle clues that other folks seem to pick up on instinctively. Body-language, facial expressions, tones of voice, etc... All that stuff usually just whizzes right over my big fat stupid head. Over the internet it's even worse than in person.