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An intervention is in order.
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I realize that change is difficult, but there are alternatives to your destructive lifestyle. For those of you using any version of MS-Windows, please consider downloading a modern web-browser like Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome (or Chromium). It's free, and there's really no legitimate excuse for using MSIE.

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And if you're still using Mosaic, then piss off. You might be all kinds of awesome for even remembering Mosaic, but you don't belong on today's internet. Fire up your Magellan search engine and go discover some straits or something.

Sunday, February 17, 20137:16 PM

The ferryman doesn't choose the destination, he just rows the boat.

But we know where he's taking us.

Cartoon Copyright © Erin Bonsteel. Used With Permission.
Unemployment is abysmal, no matter how the numbers are twisted to keep a lot of unemployed people from being counted.

The median household income has dropped by $4,250 since Obama took Office. Thats about an average month's pay.

2.6 million more people are living below the poverty line than in 2008.

In 2008, 28.2 million people were on food stamps at a taxpayer cost of 37.6 Billion dollars. In 2012, working Americans were charged over twice that amount, 78.4 million dollars to provide foos stamps for 46.6 million people.

Gas prices have doubled, and since many products are imported on cargo ships that burn oil and virtually all are brought to market in trucks that use petrol, the price of food and other goods rises along with the price of oil. Meanwhile, the president blocks drilling. Block pipeline programs that would increase our energy supply and employ people at the same time. Refineries are closed, while a new one hasn't been opened in over 30 years.

Working class Americans saw their incomes fall more during the "recovery" than during the recession.

The result? Everything costs more, fewer people are working, and working people are paying higher taxes with smaller paychecks. Remember all that talk about "the rich", and "Millionaires and Billionaires" not paying enough taxes? It was dishonest when they were talking about people making a quarter-million, but look now... Everyone's taxes went up. Thanks, Obamacare. Oh, and speaking of Obamacare, the cost of medical insurance is rising while the quality of health-care declines. All in the name of providing "free" health care to everyone, right?

Deficit spending and the national debt have skyrocketed under Obama to $17 Trillion, with debt held by the public doubling and Federal Reserve debt quadrupling.

Or nation's credit rating fell for the first time in history under Obama.

This administration has alienated our former national allies and worked to embolden (even acting as cheerleaders for) our enemies. Our diplomats and servicemen are murdered by terrorists and our so-called "leaders" lied about it. Dishonored the dead by calling them "bumps in the road". When caught in the lie, the secretary of state asks "what difference does it make?"

When Nidal Malik Hassan shouted "Allahu Akbar" and opened fire killing 13 people and wounding 29 others at a U.S. miliatry base, the Obama administration insisted it wasn't terrorism, it was "workplace violence". But when a nut shoots up a school, it's the NRA's fault and all Americans need to be punished by having their rights abridged, because that would certainly not have prevented such a thing.

But at least women will be able to serve in direct combat now. Hooray for gender equality, says me, even if it does mean the standards to qualify will be lowered and the result is an overall weaker, less efficient fighting force.

Oh, and Obama's thoughts on gay marriage have "evolved", and gays can serve openly in the military too.

So there's that, I guess. Because those are such pressing important issues that all that stuff like debt, deficit, taxes, unemployment, poverty, inflation, national standing, the Bill of Rights, and killing American citizens on U'S. soil with unmanned arial drones is just petty by comparison, right?

As I said, the ferryman doesn't choose the destination, he just rows the boat.

The president on the other hand... He sets the policy. He chooses the destination for the whole country, implements policy, and then takes everyone after stealing their own livelihoods to pay for the trip. In that respect, he's much, much worse than the spirit who carries you to Hell.

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